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Chak & Associates LLP invests significantly in technology to allow our lawyers, shared services and support staff to work efficiently for clients. We constantly review and improve the capabilities of our technology tools. Recent innovations have involved electronic filing, data mining, knowledge sharing, mobile, VoIP, wireless internet connection for staff and clients and web based worksite platform.

We offer our legal teams advance technology tools including:

  • an advanced electronic filing environment

  • project management toolkits developed by lawyers and specialist project managers

  • online time recording and fee management

  • web-based remote working environment

  • support for wireless mobile devices, including BlackBerries and iPhones

  • the option of a laptop or a desktop

  • Voice over IP telephone and video conferencing services



We maintain an extensive collection of resources including precedents, advices, opinions, court documents, news alert and other legal and industry materials. A search of our centralised knowledge system can retrieves information from any combination of these resources.

Our lawyers are kept up to date with industry developments via electronic newsletter. These cover a range of subject areas and jurisdictions.

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